8% No Limit is a 12-part adventure web television series hosted by Get Out There Magazine. This story chronicles the moving journey of blind runner Rhonda Marie Avery as she attempts to run Canada's epic Bruce Trail end-to-end in 20 days with the support of 50 guide runners.
8% No Limit is a 12-part adventure web television series. This story chronicles the moving journey of blind runner Rhonda Marie Avery as she attempts to run Canada's epic Bruce Trail end-to-end in 20 days with the support of 50 guide runners.
The story is as beautiful as it is inspiring, contrasting the stunning vistas of Canada’s 900 KM-long Bruce Trail with Avery’s relentless effort to overcome daily obstacles, including; fatigue, injuries and mental exhaustion. The story weaves the mechanics of running with the power of the mind to demonstrate what the human body can achieve.